FORTRAN সফটওয়্যারটি ডাউনলোড করার জন্য আমাদের ফরট্রান প্রোগ্রামিং বইয়ে যে লিংক দেওয়া আছে সেই লিংক পরিবর্তন হয়েছে। পরিবর্তিত লিংকঃ পরবর্তী সংস্করণে বইয়ে আপডেট করা হবে।       ।।      আমাদের বইসমূহ যেসব লাইব্রেরিতে পাওয়া যায়ঃ Click Here       ।।      আমাদের বই সম্পর্কে সকল ধরণের আপডেট পেতে জয়েন করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ

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Book Name Price (News) Price (White)
Fundamentals of Mathematics 333 467 1st
Calculus-I 308 447 1st
Linear Algebra 331 467 1st
Analytic and Vector Geometry 347 467 1st
Fundamentals of Mathematics (NM) 370 490 1st
One Book One Year (1st Year) Major 550 0 1st
One Book One Year (1st Year) NM 585 0 1st
Calculus-II 323 447 2nd
Ordinary Differential Equations 320 440 2nd
Fortran Programming 277 400 2nd
One Book One Year (2nd Year) Major 330 0 2nd
One Book One Year (2nd Year) NM 500 0 2nd
Abstract Algebra 220 330 3rd
Real Analysis 287 400 3rd
Numerical Analysis 333 446 3rd
Complex Analysis 285 393 3rd
Differential Geometry 231 350 3rd
Mechanics 316 430 3rd
Linear Programming 320 440 3rd
One Book One Year (3rd Year)-1 400 0 3rd
Numerical Analysis (Eng) 300 420 3rd
One Book One Year (3rd Year)-2 347 0 3rd
Math Lab (Practical)-3rd 0 300 3rd
Theory of Numbers 231 350 4th
Topology 185 277 4th
Functional Analysis 154 240 4th
Methods of Applied Mathematics 320 440 4th
Tensor Analysis 220 320 4th
Partial Differential Equations 285 393 4th
Hydrodynamics 208 308 4th
Mathematical Modeling 200 300 4th
Discrete Mathematics 277 393 4th
Astronomy 270 390 4th
One Book One Year (4th Year)-1 462 0 4th
One Book One Year (4th Year)-2 377 0 4th
Advanced Number Theory 240 350 MSc
Theory of Relativity 262 370 MSc
Differential and Integral Equations 308 430 MSc
Fluid Dynamics 240 350 MSc
Lattice Theory 270 380 MSc
Quantum Mechanics 262 370 MSc
Geometry of Differential Manifolds 254 362 MSc
Operations Research 308 430 MSc
Theory of Rings and Modules 270 390 MSc
One Book One Year (MSc)-1 400 0 MSc
One Book One Year (MSc)-2 500 0 MSc
One Book One Year (Degree 1st) 170 0 1st
One Book One Year (Degree 3rd) 190 0 3rd
One Book One Year (Degree 2nd) 190 0 2nd
Probability Distribution 320 440 2nd
One Book One Year (Stat 2nd) 680 0 2nd
One Book One Year (Stat 4th) 560 0 4th
One Book One Year (Stat 1st) 662 0 1st
One Book One Year (Stat 3rd) 654 0 3rd
NTRCA Written (College) 600 0 Job
NTRCA Written (School) 400 0 Job
One Book One Year (Phy 1st) 300 0 1st
Understanding of Geometry 0 154 N/A
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